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Food for healthy teeth & gums.

The food you take affect the health of your teeth & gums. From the dental point of view,food is divided into two categories, one is detergent food which has a cleansing effect on the tooth & another is sticky one which causes a negative impact on oral health. Food stuff that consumed in raw form such as carrots,raddish,cabbages,turnips,raw cucumber in the form of salad plays a good role of detergent food. Certain fruit are rich in fibre & when consumed directly will also have the same effect. Few examples are apple,pear and guava. 

On the other hand, refined food such as cakes, pastries, cookies, chocolate & ice cream sticks over the tooth surface & a dangerous plaque buildup will lead to many dental problems such as dental cavity & gums diseases. 

So be careful while choosing the quality of food while eating in order to maintain a good healthy teeth and gums. 

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